Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Merry-go-round. Wee.

Lomo cameras. Amalish recalled me on lomography few weeks back at school and happily said that she has gotten herself a Holga. Months before I came across a Bruneian photog's blog who happens to be a collector of lomo cameras; she claims that lomo cameras are her toys. I really didn't know what she meant, not until I saw the lomo camera myself.

Apparently, they are. They are made of plastic and very much look like disposable camera toys. At least, that was what I thought it to be. Then just now when I google it through, I found out that one of these toys is the TLR camera that I have been bragging about ever since I was in secondary. Gee. How unexpected.

I was talking about the Lomo Lubitel 166
(I just knew the name from google after all these years; I used to call it just 'TLR camera') This one.

There are many types of lomo cameras and I think Lubitel is one of it. I THINK. I haven't really complete my research on LOMO. I want to own it very badly at that time because I consider it to be an antique but my dad said its hard to find it here in Brunei (aku mau awal atu jua; troublesome eyh? hehe). Now I want it more than ever but I am totally broke. Sudahtah broke, inda lagi mau cari kraja tu.

Many people suggest me to work at banks, but it seems to me everyone wants to work there for their part time. Sheesh. I even went to Brunei classified (?) to search for job vacancies. Only few attract me and those few are TUTORING JOBS! I did tutor primary Maths before though. Then when I discuss this matter with my mom, she said that maybe it is the only suitable part time job for me, considering that I like to... make notes? (Lain-lain). I don't really trust my ability in 'teaching' though. Haha. Sepoil.
But seriously, I am offering tuitions especially for science subjects and specifically BIOLOGY. I don't really know how the pricing is made for tuitions but I am quite generous in the matter of money (giggle). By the way, green is my subject code for Biology.
Is there any fun part time jobs to do during the holiday kah?
Help me.

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